Staff writer
Drivers who park illegally in the yellow “loading zone” on Stanley Dollar Drive, adjacent to the driveway into the golf cart area and Pro Shop at Creekside, are creating a headache – and a hazard – for golfers, pedestrians and delivery trucks alike.
It’s all too common for people to just park and leave their vehicles in the yellow loading zone, according to John McDonnell, chairman of the Golf Advisory Committee.
“The result is that delivery trucks that need to unload goods for Creekside Grill have to park somewhere else,” said McDonnell.
Truck drivers that can’t find a space in the yellow zone often park in the red zone in front of the golf cart driveway, where they can easily offload and deliver their goods.
“Trucks parked there not only obstruct the entrance to the driveway, they also block golf cart drivers’ field of vision when they’re trying to cross Stanley Dollar Drive to get to Dollar Ranch Course,” said McDonnell. “To see what’s coming, drivers have to nudge forward into the first lane of traffic. In fact, one golfer I know got out of her cart to block the pedestrian crossing while her partner drove their golf cart across.”
To help address the issue, Maintenance painted the curb a brighter yellow last Friday, and the signs are being reviewed for possible improvements.
Dennis Bell, GRF public safety manager, spelled out the rules around parking at loading zones: “In the marked yellow zone, drivers may stop no longer than the time to load or unload passengers or freight,” said Bell. “And drivers of noncommercial vehicles are required to stay with the vehicle.”
Not only do trucks sometimes block the driveway, at least one truck recently pulled right into the golf cart area. “Last week, a delivery truck pulled into the driveway, then backed out and hit the flashing pedestrian sign on the crosswalk,” said Mc-Donnell, adding that the sign was bent and had to be fixed.
McDonnell said that during golf tournaments, when there are multiple golf carts crossing Stanley Dollar Drive, staff from the Pro Shop sometimes act as crossing guards to shepherd the carts across.
“Crossing that road in both directions is a problem,” said McDonnell.
With the proximity of Creekside Grill, the Event Center and the Pro Shop, parking in the area is at a premium. However, Bell urges residents to respect the red “no parking” zones along Stanley Dollar Drive, as well as the yellow loading zone.
“It creates a hazard when trucks park by the driveway – but they have to do their deliveries,” said Bell. “Fortunately no accidents involving residents have occurred so far.”
Securitas has picked up patrols of the yellow loading zone, as well as the red “no parking” zones. They’re putting courtesy notices on vehicles that are illegally parked, advising owners that they can’t park in the red or yellow.
“It’s the first step in educating people,” said Bell, adding that there aren’t any consequences such as a parking ticket – at least for now.
Residents also are asked to keep a lookout for illegal parkers.
“When people see vehicles parked in violation of the yellow zone, they should call Securitas directly and report the violation,” said Bell. “Securitas can’t monitor the yellow zone at all times.”
McDonnell agrees that Securitas is limited in what they can do, as they can’t give parking tickets or tow away cars.
“We ask residents to pay rigorous attention to where they park and for golf cart drivers and pedestrians to be careful, especially with how fast some people drive,” said McDonnell.
Securitas dispatch can be reached at 925-988-7899.